Display error

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Registriert: Do Apr 09, 2020 7:57 pm

Display error

Beitrag von SebPhotos »


For a few weeks now, every time after I start a signal box (so far no matter which one, it comes up every time), sometimes after a few minutes of playtime this display error happens, but rarely I can play for 2-3 hours without any problems. https://ibb.co/vxdDtWz https://ibb.co/5WJQCtq

As you can see, it happens in the communicator as well as in the simulator itself. It is flickering, and changing, so the game becomes rapidly unplayable unfortunately. I tried updating the nVidia driver, reinstalling Java, but so far nothing helped.
Here are my PC specs, in case of need:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
RAM: DDR4 16GB 2933 Mhz
GPU: nVidia Geforce GTX 1050Ti 4GB

Thank you for the help,
Best regards
EntwicklerHandbuch-TeamR-Admin [Bremen-Niedersachsen, Fernverkehr Niederlande, Hamburg - Schleswig-Holstein, Niederlande Ost, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Main 2024, Rheinland-Pfalz, Ruhrgebiet, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [NL, SKA]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS, Zug-QS]Erbauer
Beiträge: 7595
Registriert: Fr Jan 16, 2009 11:15 am
StiTz: 709215

Re: Display error

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »


this is normally a problem with the graphics driver or some other programm interfering.

You could try the following workaround (translated from viewtopic.php?p=224672#p224672):
  1. Download and save the JNLP file
  2. Create a new link (Right click on Desktop > New > Link...)
  3. Enter the path to the file
    (Fast way: Hold Shift then right click on the JNLP file, select "Copy as path", then paste to the input field)
    This should look somewhat like this:

    Code: Alles auswählen

  4. Extend the pasted path in front of the pasted path as follows:

    Code: Alles auswählen

    javaws.exe -J-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false "C:\STS\sts-user.jnlp"
  5. Save the link
This executes the JNLP file, but deactivates Direct3D. If it works a little hint would be appreciated.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do Apr 09, 2020 7:57 pm

Re: Display error

Beitrag von SebPhotos »


Thank you for the help, at the moment it works pretty well, I could play two longer (3+ hour) games. :D

Have a good night
EntwicklerHandbuch-TeamR-Admin [Bremen-Niedersachsen, Fernverkehr Niederlande, Hamburg - Schleswig-Holstein, Niederlande Ost, Rhein-Main, Rhein-Main 2024, Rheinland-Pfalz, Ruhrgebiet, Zug-Schattenregion]Fernverkehr-Team [NL, SKA]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS, Zug-QS]Erbauer
Beiträge: 7595
Registriert: Fr Jan 16, 2009 11:15 am
StiTz: 709215

Re: Display error

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »

That's great to hear, thanks :-)