Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz defective signals

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Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz defective signals

Beitrag von FrancoisH »


I went in front of 2 defective signals, I received an alert about the repair team being dispatched (I think it what it said in the message).

I had two trains coming in and I needed the to ignore the previous. When the first one came to the red signal prior to the dead one, I clicked on "ErsGT" but the train didn't move. I received a radio message from it but weren't able to do anything to make it go through the signal and ignore it.

How should I handle this case?

Thank you !
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Registriert: Sa Nov 26, 2016 10:14 am

Re: Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz defective signals

Beitrag von FrancoisH »

While I'm at it, I got a defaulting switch as well... and don't know how I can circumvent this as it's the only way to get a train through. How can I check which ways it's working or send someone to make it set a way (even a fixed one).

Could you help me as well with this? I wish you got an english manual.
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Re: Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz defective signals

Beitrag von DevonFrosch »

Hello FrancoisH,

First, welcome at Stellwerksim :-) I know it's a lot harder to get around this game if you can't speak german, I'll try and go through your questions one by one:
  • You can check how long the repair of a defaulted element will take in the "Funk" menu at the section "Reparaturteam: Fortschritt", there is a button for each failure.
  • For most defaults, you get two four digit numbers in the message, so you can report it and let a repair team fix it. One of it may be 7863 (which is the StiTz-Number of the Hotline, if you want to call over Voice over IP), the other one is the "Störungscode", which you can enter at "Funk" > "Störungsannahme via Funk". There will be a little window where you can enter the code, shortly after that a message will come stating the approx. duration of the fix. There are some failures that you can't fix with this process (you won't get a code for them), so you just have to wait.
  • You can't let a train drive over a defaulted switch, unless the message is asking you to choose if you want to lock it to one side (straight or diverting - note that straight always means horizontal, diverting is diagonal). If you lock it the fixing will take much longer (like 30 Minutes instead of 5), but you will be able to direct trains over it meanwhile.
  • If a train passes a green distance signal ("Vorsignal"), it will assume the next main signal is allowing it to pass. If the signal defaults or you revoke the clearance, the train will brake too late and run over the signal. You'll have to manually allow him to pass the signal ("Funk" > "weiterfahren") after this. You can also use this manual order to let the train pass red signals or let it depart at a station if the next signal is red. Note that the train will drive with caution (max 40 km/h) until the next signal, this may take a while.
  • There are some translations in this forum: ... 92&t=23027
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask :-)


PS: I added a section in the manual (in german) with a picture of a semaphore: ... vorsignale
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Registriert: Sa Nov 26, 2016 10:14 am

Re: Berlin-Brandenburg: Westkreuz defective signals

Beitrag von FrancoisH »

Hopefully, google translate is almost working on the manual but this part wasn't really clear on how to proceed.

I would gladly use Stitz if I did speak German. VoIP when you only speak French or English will not please adjacent simmers, I'm sure ;)

So text it will be and radio orders (Funk, it is I think?).

Thank you for your help anyway !