Bristol and others

Q&A forum. Please write all articles in english. Warning: you might get faster responses when writing in geman in one of the german forums.

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Bristol and others

Beitrag von DaveHarries »


I am looking into the possibility of a few errors, and one or two things which need correcting, on the Bristol, Plymouth and Penzance maps in South West England: if I find the errors to be correct should I post them on this part of the forum or would an email - to what address - be better?

I cannot test the possible error on the Bristol Temple Meads simulation: I have the Java downloaded and installed but it will not let me open the file due to a security issue with it.

Dave Harries,
Bristol, England
Stellwerk-AdminSupport-TeamR-Admin [Großraum München, Großraum München 2024, Lehrregion, Nordbayern, Südbayern]Qualitätssicherung [Anlagen-QS]Erbauer
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Re: Bristol and others

Beitrag von hinz »

Hi Dave,

the corrct place for reporting errors would be the part "Fehler & Probleme" (errors and problems) or "Fragen & Anregungen" (questions and suggestions), but the language there is mostly german. This should not bother you, just give it a try. For the designers for the UK area this should be no problem. You can also report in this part of the forum here. If there is no answer for a few days, just set a reminder and normally someone will give the UK-designers a hint for the unanswered thread here.

What is your security problem? Did you set the security exception for ? It has to be done in the java control panel. This and other problems are documented in the manual ... cate_error (sorry, only german).

Admin, R-Admin Nordbayern, Südbayern und Großraum München

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